Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Episode 10


In this episode, we talk about a few strategies that the recent changes to the farming landscape have led to, as well as the mobile AH beta.

If you have comments or questions, email us at calltoauction@gmail.com, or leave a comment here! You can also record a comment or question, and email us the MP3!

For the record, here's the RSS feed for our episodes, and here's the iTunes link. You can also find us on iTunes by searching for "call to auction".

The opening track is called Change

Episode 9


This is a long overdue episode that I've had on my hard drive way too long. We'll endeavor to get these out in a more timely fashion, but in the meantime, enjoy!

If you have comments or questions, email us at calltoauction@gmail.com, or leave a comment here! You can also record a comment or question, and email us the MP3!

For the record, here's the RSS feed for our episodes, and here's the iTunes link. You can also find us on iTunes by searching for "call to auction".

The opening track is called Change