Thursday, April 18, 2013

Episode 51: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome


This week, Euripedes and Namssob discuss adapting strategies to constantly changing market conditions, specifically including handling price reset attempts (which is basically developing your strategy when someone else tries to control a market).

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The opening track is called Change.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, great episode!
    I loved your talk about the Tiger Opal, how it now sells for 30g, and that's half of the cost of stack.

    My biggest thing that has changed the shuffle is

    I used to have tons and tons of tiger opals and roguestones. I am out now, I have none.

    If I want to xmute a primal I am no longer using the wild jade, imp, and vermilion. I am using the uncommon gems. So if I am short one tiger opal , I will pay 30g, because I am not going to use 6 rare gems to proc it.

    Thanks as usual.
