Saturday, April 10, 2010

In Game Event Video!

Hi folks,

The weekend before last, we had the most excellent in game event, and gave out 3 prizes! Here's our announcement post if you want to see what we were doing, and here's the video!

Big congratulations to the winners of the gold prizes!


  1. Almost a month.. Still no new video?

  2. The newest podcast is in the works, should be up this week.

  3. Love the show guys! Is the new podcast soon to be released?

  4. Yeah, I agree.. What's up yo! Where's the new podcast?

  5. Definitely waiting on a new podcast.

  6. Euripides post the newest podcast!!!

  7. IM SUFFERING SEVER WITHDRWL SYMPTOMS, NEED MY CALL TO AUCTION FIX.... whats happening are we gonna get an episode ??? plzzz the show is too good!!!

  8. I swear to God, if you don't release a new episode I'm going to murder my cat and tell my wife it was your fault.

  9. Alright, so im assuming this show is dead now :(

  10. Euripides is cutting next episode... should be up this week. We will record this week as well!

  11. Can't wait for the next episode. :)

  12. Man, I'm Jonesing for a new podcast...

  13. I had my doubts about you at first Markco, but you guys are doing awesome on this podcast. Please bring us some more and don't get to busy doing castaclysm (which I like too)

  14. Looking forward to the next podcast guys. I've been missing it the last few weeks.

  15. Hmm...appears to be finished. I hope not though as I enjoy listening to what the guys have to say.

  16. pls dont kill the podcast pls.....i refuse to listen 2 catalycysm until next podcast is out....

  17. It shouldn't be gone any time soon, Euriphides is just having trouble with the editing. It is hard work releasing a weekly podcast.

  18. It's about 2 months since the last show, hardly a weekly podcast. And seeing that Markco told Euripides almost a month ago to post the new one, I would assume they need a new editing guy. Working in the media editing business, if someone couldn't cut a one hour audiofeed within a day or two depending on how much would have to be cut and filtered, they'd be canned.

  19. So should the new episode be up this week? It's been uh 20 days since the last "this week" post.

  20. Just wanted to say that you guys have a hit and it looks like we cannot get enough. Gotta love the supply vs demand equation. Thank you so much for the podcasts.

  21. You mean lots of demand and no supply? =P
